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Arch Linux

The minimalist distribution for those who seek perfection

Installation Philosophy

Arch Linux follows a rolling release model with continuous updates. Current base system version: 2024.05.01

Why Choose Arch?

Arch Linux provides unparalleled control over your system while maintaining exceptional stability through its KISS principle (Keep It Simple, Stupid). With access to the Arch User Repository (AUR), you gain access to one of the largest software collections in Linux.

Core Features

Rolling Release Model

Continuous updates with latest software

Pacman Package Manager

Lightning-fast dependency resolution

Arch User Repository

Community-driven package repository

Minimal Base System

Build exactly what you need

Custom Kernel Support

Optimize for your hardware

Extensive Documentation

Best-in-class Arch Wiki

Package Management

Essential Pacman Commands

$ sudo pacman -Syu # Full system update

$ sudo pacman -Ss [package] # Search packages

$ sudo pacman -Q # List installed packages

$ sudo pacman -Rns [package] # Remove package

AUR Integration

Access over 80,000 community-maintained packages through AUR helpers:


Learning Resources